Canadian Multiculturalism Day @ Museum

June 27 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

We're open by donation to celebrate Canadian Multiculturalism Day.
Join us between 10am and 6pm for some kid-friendly activities to celebrate our multiculturalism and diversity.
Property history tours at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm.
More resources:
As of 2011, British Columbia was home to more than four million people. Almost 30 percent of them emigrated from another country in their lifetimes. One quarter are visible minorities. And five percent identify as Indigenous. The most ethnically diverse province in Canada, BC welcomes nearly 40,000 new immigrants every year.
"BC People" is a unique storytelling project that showcases BC’s cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity. Explore the website to meet the real people of BC, profiled in a book, series of podcasts and short multimedia film.
Canadian Heritage's Multiculturalism Day Resources:
This day and activity is by donation thanks to the support of the Government of Canada.
Town: Rossland, BC
Venue: Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre
Address: 1100 Hwy 3B; Junction of HWY 3B and HWY 22