Trail & District Public Library presents: BC Summer Reading Club

Fridays Jul 5 to Aug 16 10:00 to 11:00 am

Week 1: Step into the Pages! – Storytelling, role-playing, and history
Week 2: Inventions and Innovations – Science, inventions, and inventors
Week 3: Monsters and Make-Believe – Mythical beasts and imaginary creatures
Week 4: Imagination Creation – Art and creativity
Week 5: Imagine a World Where… – Making the world a better place, the future, and science fiction
Week 6: Reach for the Stars – Dreams, aspirations, and outer space
Week 7: Everyday Extraordinary – Exploring the world around you (e.g. oceans, rainforest, mountains, etc.)

Ages 3-5

To register online: Click This Link

To register by phone: 250-364-1731

Town: Trail, BC
Venue: Trail & District Public Library- Trail Riverfront Centre
Address: 1505 Bay Avenue, Trail BC